Auctioneer Practice Exam 2024 - Free Auctioneer Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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Which period of furniture is recognized for its cabriole legs?



Queen Anne

The period of furniture recognized for its cabriole legs is indeed the Queen Anne period. This style emerged in the early 18th century, around the early 1700s, and is characterized by graceful, curved lines and a more organic, flowing aesthetic compared to earlier styles. The cabriole leg, which features a distinctive curve in both the upper and lower sections, is a signature element of Queen Anne furniture. It often tapers downward and ends in a foot that can be either pad, claw-and-ball, or a simple rounded foot. Queen Anne furniture emphasized comfort and elegance, moving away from the heavier and more ornate styles of previous periods, making it a critical transitional phase in furniture design. While other periods, such as Chippendale, did incorporate some cabriole legs, they also featured a wider variety of leg styles; therefore, the cabriole leg is most closely associated with the Queen Anne style.



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